Pinterest Referral Stats For June 2012

Share-a-holic just reported their June data related to referral traffic sources, and Tech-crunch did a nice summary report.

The key story – Pinterest surpassed StumbleUpon for the first time – a major achievement.

In February Pinterest passed Twitter. If I am reading the report accurately, then  Pinterest is now the 3rd highest referral traffic source behind Facebook and the Yahoo Network.

We can personally vouch for the impact of referral traffic from Pinterest. Read our shocking results here.

If you’re a marketer, and this news doesn’t get your attention, then nothing will.

Qualified referral traffic is the lifeblood of any online venture and Pinterest is a referral machine.

Published by Jason Miles

Jason Miles is the CEO of of OmniRocket, a Seattle based ecommerce consulting and SAAS company, and the author of the Bestselling Pinterest Power. He regularly partners with leading online groups and sites including, the American Marketing Association, IBM's Connectchat, Social Media Examiner, Profnet, Marketingprofs, and similar groups.