Pinterest Secrets Part Two: The Pinutorial

Ready for another Pinterest Secret?

We call this one the …


(Yes, I just made that word up, please give me props. But smart marketers in Pinterest have been using this method for months).

Here’s the thing – classic direct response copywriters like Joe Sugarman, Gary Halbert, Bob Bly, and my personal favorite, Craig Garber have always known that the Advertorial is a marketing goldmine. Why? It educates & advertises at the same time, which creates an extended customer engagement with your message. And the longer the customer is engaged with your message, the more likely they are to stay connected to you, become a fan/follower/friend, then a customer. How does this translate into Pinterest?

It’s easy. Pinterest gives you a visual platform for sharing information in in a variety of ways. Infographics fall into this category, but generally infographics are heavy on the data, and light on the advertising. You might notice for example, my infographics are slanted a bit more toward advertising, in order to drive traffic to this website. (shameless? Maybe). But clearly it works. And, if formatted properly a Pin-utorial can teach, and advertise, and delight, and impress, and be fun – all at the same time. Everyone wins. Here are 4 steps to a great pinutorial:

1. Teach something your target customers would appreciate learning. Maybe it’s solving a problem, maybe it’s a cool trick, short-cut, or tip.

2. Include interesting visuals & pictures. It’s the pictures & title that will capture their attention.

3. Format it as a ‘how-to’ for easy consumption & learning.

4. Make it complete, (if at all possible). Don’t make people go to your website, or download anything. I know, I know, you want them to go to your website, but in this case, when you’re just trying to build rapport, go light on pushing people out of Pinterest. Let them stay in Pinterest, ready your pinutorial, and repin it, comment, like, and/or share it with their network.

We are personally developing several pinutorials as we speak that will follow these 4 steps. I’ll try to add them to this blog, and share information about them, as we do. The one included here, (the no-sew blanket), was just posted as our first pinutorial,, and has more repins after 1 day than any other pin we’ve put into Pinterest. Score!

Published by Jason Miles

Jason Miles is the CEO of of OmniRocket, a Seattle based ecommerce consulting and SAAS company, and the author of the Bestselling Pinterest Power. He regularly partners with leading online groups and sites including, the American Marketing Association, IBM's Connectchat, Social Media Examiner, Profnet, Marketingprofs, and similar groups.