Pinterest Image Optimization, Part 1 of 5

Pinterest image optimization

I’m stunned at how many website owners are still producing content that is not optimized for Pinterest.

What do I mean by ‘Optimized For Pinterest’?

Well, any blog post, or website page needs to include some basic elements to permit the content to be easily shared on Pinterest.

You would think that since Pinterest is now the 4th largest social media site, (behind Facebook, Youtube, Twitter), webmasters would have picked up the basics, but apparently not.

Don’t believe me? Ok, I just Googled, “Pinterest News” and found this article that was just published. An article about leveraging Pinterest for more traffic. But guess what? There is no image in the article. Therefore it cannot be pinned to Pinterest.

webpage without pinnable image optimization
An article about getting traffic from Pinterest, but it doesn’t have an image, which means I cannot easily pin it to Pinterest.

Step 1 To Achieving Pinterest Image Optimization is…

Have a unique image in each post or page you publish”

If you do that every time you publish a post or page – you’ll be off to a good start. That’s easy, right?

Published by Jason Miles

Jason Miles is the CEO of of OmniRocket, a Seattle based ecommerce consulting and SAAS company, and the author of the Bestselling Pinterest Power. He regularly partners with leading online groups and sites including, the American Marketing Association, IBM's Connectchat, Social Media Examiner, Profnet, Marketingprofs, and similar groups.